A Metaphor: Deteriorating Sculpture

Garage at Chatham (GAC) along with Joyce Goldstein Gallery in Chatham and TSL in Hudson participated in a 10 month sculpture show curated by George Spencer. Joyce Goldstein Gallery showed the work relating to the creative process as it related to sculpture. GAC and TSL displayed  6-8 large pieces of sculpture. These were on display from late August through mid-October 2021 at the GAC at which time they were moved to TSL where remained outside for the winter.

This show was metaphor for what we are living through, a medically and politically diseased period to be followed, hopefully, by recovery and regeneration in the Spring of 2022. Or perhaps not. Because the sculpture will be outside the pieces are intended to deteriorate to some extent during the Winter of 2021-2022. The sculpture can be rebuilt/regenerated and take on a new life in the Spring 2022. Or the artists may feel that the partly deteriorated pieces better reflects our public life. 

Sculpture pictured by Mimi Graminski